Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Auckland Skyline

My Reflection
We were learning to paint using different techniques. Maybe I should have learnt to draw first. Anyway, the process (The Calvin way)!:  
  1. Paint the sunset 
  2. Draw the skyline of Auckland on black paper. It is crucial that you do this badly.
  3. Cut out the skyline. This must also be done terribly.
  4. Sponge paint the water. Make sure the paper folds over and gets blue on your lovely sunset.
  5. Glue the skyline on to the paper so that all the tops of the buildings stick out.
  6. Upload!
This was actually quite easy though.
How to do it properly!

  1. Paint the sunset by mixing the colours: Orange, red and yellow
  2. Draw the skyline of Auckland on black paper. It's easier if you make the buildings very wide.
  3. Cut out the skyline. This is why it's easier if the building are very wide.
  4. Paint the water by dipping a small sponge in paint and squishing it against the paper.
  5. Glue the skyline onto the paper.
  6. You're done!

Anyway, my next step is to learn how to draw. And cut.

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