Bike Skills
Actually Riding a bike
Once upon yesterday, we had bike skills again. This time, we actually got to ride a bike. These bikes were ordinary bikes, disguised as BMX bikes. The only thing these cunning bikes didn't think of were brakes. These bikes had 2 brakes, whereas BMX bikes have only 1 for no reason at all. And there was a mountain bike. On with the recount!
First we had to put our helmets on. I got a large. Because this is too short for a paragraph, I'm going to talk about the bikes as well. The bike skills people took us to a line of bikes for each group. I got a grey BDAABMX* bike. Hooray.
Next we got to the part where we actually got to ride the bike. Two by two, one person from each group got to ride a bike. This was sitting down riding. Then we got to ride standing up. Next, FREE RIDE!!! Which meant we were just riding in a large group. On a larger track. Hooray.
Finally we got to go back to class. I got a really tight slap band thingy. Hooray. I decided that this slap band was too tight to ever use. This recount will end in 3, 2, 1.
*Bike disguised as a BMX