Tuesday 27 October 2015

Bias And Balanced


WE ARE BEING RULED BY CATS!!!!* These cats have crushed all that stand in their way to WORLD DOMINATION! Hundreds of cat owners have been ENSLAVED!!! Cat owners, beware! Buy a dog before it's too late!
-D. Oglova**


The popularity of cats has increased in the last few years. This is a good thing, and a bad thing. The good part is that more cats that have been rescued by the SPCA are finding homes. The bad part, however, is that dogs are losing popularity. This is also probably because a dog is going to hurt a LOT if it bites you. Then again, a cat bites you and scratches you a lot more. I don't know.
- I. Donotexist+

*3 exclamation marks, the sign of a madman.
** Dog lover.
+ I do not exist.
WOW SMALL TEXT! Umm... this blog post is fictional, I think. Except for the SPCA part. The SPCA is real. Pineapples.

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