This year we have been portraits of ourselves out of patterns. This probably has some sort of really fancy name specially designed so that people writing a blog post about it will forget what it is. We'll call it patterportrait for now. This
art is actually really fun. ONWARD!
First the teacher took photos in black and white of us. This was confusing for me because she said to do a "cool pose*". When it was my turn I was told to look to the right. People are strange
Next we drew a grid over the photo. This was because each square needed to have a pattern of it's own. This doesn't mean patterns cannot be repeated, they can but not right next to a square with the same pattern. We also made a paper window so we could focus on one square at a time.
Now we are copying each square from the photo onto a much bigger piece of paper. This part is interesting because for dark bits we are using small and close together patterns to make the illusion of darkness and big and far apart patterns to create the illusion of light. I decided to have 6 squares with a letter of my name as a pattern in them. They are arranged like this: C.

I think that might be the last step. It's the step we're on at the moment so I can't write about anything else. I am really liking this
artwork even though it's quite difficult. Can't wait to put them up. Bye!
*I do not understand this strange word